Movies And Music Downloads Reviews

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Everyone Must Find Nemo

By Francis X Crick

Those of you who are reading this who happen to love Disney movies will absolutely love a little movie called "Finding Nemo." This class film has all the characteristics of wonderful movies that have been classics for many years. Based on a traditional story of a lost family member trying to find his way home, this movie will move your emotions like no other.

Our narrative kicks off with a small, but well functioning family. A father, and his son are getting along, despite the mom having been killed in some kind of tragedy that took place before our movie began. The father is doing his best as a single parent, when tragedy strikes. Some horrible event that sets a chain of events in motion.

Then tragedy strikes. A couple of scuba divers are out collecting fish to be sold in tropical fish stores. The stores sell them to customers, who use the fish as decorate items in their homes. The one particular person who got a hold of Nemo is dentist, who uses them to sooth his patient's nerves while he rips out their teeth and overcharges them.

Nemo and his new buddies from the dentist office make a daring escape out of the fish bowl. Then they realize something. The ocean is a vast place, and there's no telling how they can get back to their home. They just use all of their collective resources in order to find their way back home. You will surely be on the edge of your seat throughout the entire movie.

Classic movies like this have been made by the Disney company for many years. They started back when movies were in black and white, and have been on the cutting edge of movie technology ever since. There's nothing like a fantastic Disney tale to idle away the hours on a boring Saturday afternoon. They certainly are more refreshing that some of those horror movies they are putting out today.

It doesn't matter what kind of person you are, or what your background is. If you love to feel good and experience positive emotions, then any movie from Disney will do the trick. Just pick any one, and be prepared to have your socks blown off.

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